BazJubilee – Slash/Frusciante/Metal – QUAD CORTEX Pack

19,99 $

A set of PLUG AND PLAY profiles for QUAD CORTEX, which I use to play concerts and record music!

The package you are viewing perfectly reproduces the legendary Marshall Silver Jubilee in the Studio version on the classic 4×12 Marshall with G12m Greenback.

I divided it into 3 categories:

“Fru” – Sounds from Red Hot Chilli Peppers albums during Frusciante – Clean channel with CE1 Preamp and Cali76 Stacked Compressor
“Slash” – Slash sounds from Guns’n’Roses – Lead channel with pre-eq VEQ-4K BLACK
“Metal” – Old-school metal sound – Lead channel boosted with boutique Tubescreamer

These sounds are supposed to be easy to use by definition. Each profile is mix ready. It has been saturated with a leveling compressor and is just waiting for you to upload it to your device!

To produce profiles, I use proven simulations and post-production processes developed over the years – so that you don’t have to tweak anything!


Marshall 2525H Silver Jubilee Studio – Slash/Frusciante/Metal Pack

YouTube player

Demo recorded via TONEX (tones are almost identical because i profiled same settings on Quad Cortex)

BazJubilee is a package containing three worlds of sounds.

Clean and light tones very much inspired by Red Hot Chilli Peppers records, leads from Guns’n’Roses and powerful, meaty metal sounds reminiscent of 90s metal.


Link to the amp

List of Presets/Profiles with a short description:

FRU (John Frusciante style) – Clean tones + light drives

BazJubileeFruClean – natural, bright and slightly compressed sound like in Dani California
BazJubileeFruCrank – slightly broken sound, boosted with a Boss CE1 preamp (The One Chorus – Grobert Effects) – like in Can’t Stop
BazJubileeFruSqueeze – very strongly compressed sound using Cali76 Stacked – Under The Bridge / Scar Tissue
BazJubileeFruLead – strongly broken sound, boosted with a Boss CE1 preamp (The One Chorus – Grobert Effects)

SLASH (Slash style) – Overdriven tones

BazJubileeSlashThickEQ – Jubilee cranked up to its limits, beautifully emphasized midrange with a thicker and deeper-sounding cabinet – with pre-eq VEQ-4K BLACK to boost Slash frequencies (this is his trick)
BazJubileeSlashThickNoEQ – the same sound, just without pre-eq (for guitars that are more slash-like and don’t need boosting)

BazJubileeSlashPunchEQ – Jubilee cranked up to its limits, beautifully emphasized midrange with a more midrange, punchy cabinet – with pre-eq VEQ-4K BLACK to boost Slash frequencies (this is his trick)
BazJubileeSlashPunchNoEQ – the same sound, just without pre-eq (for guitars that are more slash-like and don’t need boosting)

BazJubileeSlashAppetite – razor-sharp sound with a strong undercut
BazJubileeSlashOpen – fairly even sound with open top
BazJubileeSlashJuice – same settings as Open, microphones further off axis

METAL – Heavily distorted tones

BazJubileeMetalChug – heavy, fleshy scoop sound with strongly withdrawn midrange
BazJubileeMetalTight – strongly undercut sound from the above setting – tighter, but still tearing plaster off the wall
BazJubileeMetalGrind – exposed midrange around 1.5khz, coarse grain, my favorite type of metal overdrive
BazJubileeMetalLead – exposed midrange around 1.5khz, coarse grain, more concentration in the midband – no hair from the Grind setting


The names of the companies and models of equipment I use for profiling belong to their owners and I use them only for descriptive purposes. My profiles aim to best reproduce the sound offered by the above equipment, but it will never be perfect 1:1. The license for use covers use for individual or commercial purposes. They cannot be resold.


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